Common Seal Rubber Stamps

A common seal stamp will help to make your company look more professional and legitimate. These stamps also make it easier to sign official documents. Here’s what you need to know about common seal rubber stamps.
Top Benefits of a Common Seal Stamp
Prior to 1988, Australian companies were required to use common seals on official documents. A common seal stamp has the company name and Australian business number (ABN), and many businesses use a company rubber stamp to lend credibility to their brand.

A common seal makes completing documents easier. Without a common seal, certain documents must be signed by two directors of the company, or one director and the company secretary. Companies that sign lots of formal documents will find it easier to use a common seal instead of getting these signatures.
A business rubber stamp is useful for completing the following documents:
• 5 to 7 figure contracts
• Transfers of property rights
• Applications for loans
Your company will need board approval to use the company seal, but it is still easier than getting multiple signatures for each document.
Order a Rubber Stamp for Your Perth Business Today
Incorporated entities can purchase a company rubber stamp from us at any time. Addprint Rubber Stamps takes great pride in our designs. We make sure that they are aesthetically appealing and meet all requirements for completing official documents. They also last a long time.
We will do the following:
• We will verify your company name and ABN. They will be prominently featured on your common seal stamp, so we will double check to make sure they are accurate before creating your stamp.
• We will create an excellent stamp design. Your company will probably use this stamp for many years. You will want to make sure that you are content with the design, since it will appear on many of your documents. We will work closely with you to come up with a design your company will love.
• Develop your stamp and ship it as soon as possible. We will get your business rubber stamp to you as soon as possible. You will be able to start using it on official documents in no time!
As a Perth business, one way to make an excellent impression on your customers is to use a common seal stamp. These stamps look professional and make completing documents easier. Please contact us and place

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